Sunday, July 31, 2011

Never ever lie to a woman ;)

A man called home to his wife and said, 'Darling , I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends.
We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting, so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box, we're leaving from the office & I will swing by the house to pick my things up'
'Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas. '
The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she is, did exactly what her husband asked.
The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good.
The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish?
He said, 'Yes! Lots of salmons, some bluegills, and a few swordfishes. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pyjamas like I asked you to Do?'

You'll love the answer,folks......

The wife replied, 'I did, dear. They're in your fishing box! ...'

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Mr. Sharma comes home one night and his wife throws her arms around his neck: I have great news... I'm a month overdue. I think we're going to have a baby!!! The doctor gave me a test today but until we find out for sure, we can't tell anybody."

The next day, Mrs. Sharma receives a telephone call from AEC
(Ahmedabad Electric Company) because the electricity bill has not been paid.

"Am I speaking to Mrs. Sharma?"

"Yes... Speaking"

AEC guy, "You're a month overdue, you know!!!"

"How do YOU know?" stammers the young woman.

"Well, ma'am, it's in our files!" says the AEC guy.

"What are you saying? It's in your files... HOW???"

Yes... We have a system of finding out who's overdue"

"GOD!!!... this is too much..."

"Madam, I am sorry... I am following orders, I have to inform you are overdue"

"I know that... let me talk to my husband about this tonight, he will speak to your company tomorrow"

That night, she tells her husband about the call and he, mad as a bull, rushes to AEC office the next day morning.

"What's going on??? You have it on file that my wife is a month overdue??? What business is that of yours?" the husband shouts.

"Just calm down," says the lady at the reception at AEC, "it's nothing serious. All you have to do is pay us."

"PAY you? and if I refuse?"

"Well, in that case, Sir, we'd have no option but to cut yours off."

"And what would my wife do then?" the husband asks.

"I don't know. I guess she'd have to use a candle."

Man, Wife and Dog

A man was leaving a cafe with his morning coffee when he noticed a most
Unusual funeral procession A funeral coffin was followed by a second one
About 50 feet behind the first. Behind the second coffin was a solitary
man Walking with a black dog. Behind him was a queue of 200 men walking
in Single line. The man couldn't stand his curiosity.

He approached the man walking with the dog, "I am so sorry for your
loss, And I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a
funeral Like this with so many of you walking in single line. Whose
funeral is It?"

The man replied, "Well, that first coffin is for my wife."

"What happened to her?"
The man replied, "My dog attacked and killed her."
He inquired further, "Well, who is in the second coffin?"
The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when
the dog attacked and killed her also."
A thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two men. Then the
first One asks in excitement, "Can I borrow the dog?"

The man replied, "Join the queue.... :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who is a boy / man ?

A boy/man is one of the most wonderful creations of God.

He starts compromising at very tender age. He sacrifices his chocolates for his sister.
Later he sacrifices his love for just a smile on his parents face. He sacrifices his love for his wife and children by working late nights.

He builds their future by taking loans from banks and then repaying them for the life time. Thus he sacrifices full youth for his wife and children without any complain.
Believe me he struggles a lot but still has to hear the music (scolding) of Mother, wife and his boss. Yet every mother, wife and boss tries to have control over him.

Finally his life ends up by compromising for others happiness. He is that creature of God who no one can compete with.
Respect every boy/man in your life. You will never know what he has sacrificed for you.
Just extend your hand when he needs it and you shall receive twice fold love from him.